Surgical Services
Anoka Equine surgeons routinely perform a wide variety of equine emergency and elective surgical procedures.
Our hospital is fully equipped with a general anesthesia surgical suite. AE doctors and staff provide the experience, equipment, and commitment to excellence necessary to fulfill all of your horse's surgical needs.
J.C. Thieke, DVM
Dave Schwinghamer, DVM

Our doctors and veterinary technicians have been trained to safely administer inhalant and injectable anesthetics for a variety of surgical procedures. If general anesthesia is necessary, your horse will be closely monitored by the anesthetist. State of the art equipment will be used to assess heart and respiratory rate, blood pressure, blood oxygen levels and other vital signs to minimize anesthetic risk.

General Surgery
The general surgeries our doctors routinely perform include:
Hernia Repair​
Splint Bone Removal
Eye Enucleation

Emergency Surgery
We regularly provide emergency surgery services for our clients and clients referred from other veterinarians.
These surgeries include:
Colic Surgery
Laceration Repair
Joint Flush
Umbilical Resection
Ruptured Bladder Repair
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